Selepas menjadi juri DramaNovela Acting Challenge, Tony Eusoff menguji bakat baru Korea dengan berlakon bersama Misha Choi dan Paul An. Malah, penerbit Patricia Sargunan dan pengarah Adrian J Williams turut serta dalam sesi reheasal memberi bimbingan penuh kepada mereka.
Tahniah kepada pemenang utama DramaNovela Acting Challenge, Misha Choi dan naik juara Putra Paul An. Mereka akan beraksi pada Sabtu, 11 September jam 10 malam di Clubhouse @dramanovela dalam lakonan skrip penuh berjudul 3 Tribes, tulisan Marini Mat Zain.
Ketinggian 185cm (6’). Lelaki berkulit putih porcelain dan bermata monolid, berambut flow hairstyle. Badan sasa berkaki panjang. Seorang Gumiho – musang berekor Sembilan atau Musang Jadian. Nakal, suka tipu orang, dan penyamar. Makhluk Gumiho yang lanjut usia 700 tahun lamanya mulai bosan dengan kehidupan langsung berpindah kerja ke Malaysia dan menyewa di rumah Nayla
185cm tall, Porcelain white skin with monolid eye, flowy hair, fit body & long legged. A Gumiho creature – Nine tailed fox or weasel. Cheeky, liar & an impostor who is 700 years old bored with life and moved to work in Malaysia and renting a house from Nayla.
Lelaki Inggeris ketinggian 190cm (6’2). Kulit putih bermata biru. Berambut panjang dan badan sasa serta berkaki panjang. Seorang Vampire barat muncul pada 1788, ketika Francis Light meneroka Pulau Pinang. Thomas sebelum itu terlibat dengan American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) sebelum tertubuhnya USA. Thomas terbunuh bukan akibat perang tetapi akibat wabak penyakit dan menukarnya menjadi vampire dari negara barat yang kini telah berusia 238 tahun.
An English Man,190cm tall, white skin with blue eyes, long hair, nice built body, long legged. British vampire who appears in 1778 during Francis Light exploration in Penang. Previously, Thomas was involved in the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) before the United States of America was founded. He got killed not because of the war but due to a pandemic disease that turned him into a 238 years old vampire.
Do Yoon pengikut setia Ha Joon. Berpindah sekali si rumah Nayla
Kebetulan banyak perusahaan Korea di bina di Pulau Pinang. Dia menentang Ha Joon mahu menolong Nayla tetapi akur dengan seniornya.
Do Yoon a very loyal follower of Ha Joon. Moved to Nayla’s house. Coincidentally many Korean companies established in Penang. Against Ha Joon helping Nayla but complied with his senior.
Nayla bermaksud istimewa. Wanita ketinggian 159cm (5’2). Berkulit sawo matang. Berambut ikal mayang. Bertubuh kecil. Menerima saka keluarga. Kaitan Tiger and Fox adalah kisah rakyat Cina dalam tradisi lisan. Juga dikenal sebagai The Fox Borrows the Tiger Terror, ia berasal dari helah Negara-negara Berperang (kadang-kadang disebut Strategi Negara-negara Berperang), yang merupakan kumpulan cerita yang disusun pada abad ke-5-ke-3 SM pada zaman Dinasti Han Barat.
Nayla means “special”. She’s 159cm, brown skin, curly hair & petite. Accepts the family heirloom legacy. Tiger & Fox are very synonym in the Chinese folklore. The Fox Borrows the Tiger Terror originated from warring countries (aka the Strategy of the warring states),is a compilation stories in the 5th-3rd century BC during the Western Han Dynasty,China.
Pontianak berusia 222 tahun. Mati melahirkan anak sulung. Ketinggian 164cm (5’3). Hanya berbaju kebaya. Tragedi rogol, Dara, anak Shaman, sehingga mengandung. Thomas ada di tempat kejadian tetapi tidak membantu membuatkan Shaman dan Dara sangat marah. Dara mengandung dan meninggal menjadi Pontanak. Shaman sedaya upaya mahu membunuh Thomas.
222 year old vampire. Died giving birth to her first child. 164cm tall, and only wears a kebaya. Dara ,the shaman daughter was raped and got herself pregnant. Thomas witnessed everything but didn’t bother to help which made both Dara & the father rage in anger. The shaman tried all he can to kill Thomas. But then Dara died and became a vampire
Ustaz yang memberi penerangan mengenai saka kepada Ha Joon dan rakan-rakannya.
Explains about the existence of supernatural immortal spirit in the shape of a tiger to Ha Joon & friends.
Kisah ini tiada kena mengena dengan peristiwa benar. Watak-watak di dalam drama ini juga adalah rekaan semata-mata.
?? ? ??:
???? ?? ????. ?? ? ??? . ??? ????. ???? ?? ? ???? ??
Takkan biar diulang-ulang. Sakit. Serik. Kecewa. Luka. Pedih jadi sedih. Bayang kecewa menjelma.
I won’t let it repeat. It hurts. Frustrating. Pain. Sorrowful. Dissapointment.
? ??? ??? ??? ???? . ??? ?? ???. ??! ? ?? ?? ??? ????
Ada rasa mula menyerap ke tangkai hati. Mengetuk bertubi-tubi sehingga pecah dinding hati. Celakalah! Kenapa rasa itu datang lagi?
The feeling crept to the heart. And it hurts so much. Damn it! Why do I feel it again ?
??? ?? ??? ?????.??? ???? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ??? ???
Dia gadis biasa-biasa. Memilih jalan hidup sendiri tersisih dari dunia luar. Sebaliknya aku, bukan dari dunia nyata, kisah aku dalam dunia aku sendiri. Hidup dalam kisah dongeng manusia.
She’s just an ordinary girl. Live on her own away from the real world. But me, I’m unreal, my story in my own world living in a fairy tale.
Nayla? ? ??? ?? ??? ??. ??? ??? ? ???? ? ????.
Nayla tiada kaitan langsung dalam hidup aku. Namun, dia lebih penting daripada nyawa aku sendiri.
Nayla has nothing to do with my life. But she is more precious than my own life..
NAYLA: Masih berangan-angan?
NAYLA: Still daydreaming ?
HA JOON: Saya tak pernah jemu dengan pemandangan malam Pulau
Pinang. Terima kasih Nayla! Kerana sewakan rumah awak kepada saya dan Do Yoon.
HA JOON:The view of Penang at night is so breathtaking.Thank you Nayla for renting this house to us.
NAYLA: Sama-sama!
NAYLA: Your welcome!
HA JOON: Tapi, awak tinggal di rumah kecil yang sepatutnya rumah
pembantu rumah.
HA JOON:But you lived in a small room supposedly for maid.
NAYLA: Tak apa-apa. Saya selesa tinggal dalam space kecil pun.
NAYLA: I’m fine really. I’m comfortable living in a smaller space.
(PAUSE) Hm, akhir-akhir ini hidup aku sukar. Tiada pekerjaan, tiada pendapatan. Lantas rumah peninggalan ini disewakan, menampung kehidupan sementara. Hidup perlu diteruskan.
(PAUSE)Hmm, my life is so hard lately. Jobless, moneyless. Thank God the house has a tenant. It should be enough. Life has to go on..
HA JOON: Hari ini baca novel apa?
HA JOON: What are you reading today?
NAYLA: Buku mistik tentang roh-roh jahat.
NAYLA: A mystical book about evil spirits.
HA JOON: Hm, minat dengan alam misteri? (CUBA PANCING)
Pernah jumpa roh jahat?
HA JOON:Hm, you are into mysterious stories?(TRYING TO LURE)
Met any evil spirits before ?
NAYLA: (SERAM) Hahhh…!
HA JOON: Nak jumpa tak?
HA JOON: Wanna see one ?
NAYLA: Ha Joon, sekarang dah hampir 12 malam. Awak jangan nak
takut-takutkan saya.
NAYLA: Ha Joon, it’s almost midnight. Can you not frightened me.
HA JOON: Nak takut apa, saya kan ada.
HA JOON: Chill, I’m here. Nothing to be scared off.
NAYLA: (MULA SERAM) Ehhh, tak nak. Saya masuk dulu.
NAYLA: (GOOSEBUMPS) Eeewwww, I better go to bed.
HA JOON: Betul tak nak? Saya boleh tunjuk roh jahat dari Korea?
HA JOON: Are you sure ? I can show you a Korean evil spirit.
NAYLA: Dah lahhhhhhh…
NAYLA: Enough!
Gadis ini lagi. Nayla. Sering datang ke Pasar Chawrosta mencari buku-buku novel 2nd hand. Dia seperti magnet menarik aku lebih dekat dengannya. Dan, aku sengaja munculkan diri di depannya lagi.
Its her again.Nayla. Often visit Chowrasta market looking for preloved books. She’s like a magnet! And me, purposedly appeared myself infront of her again..
NAYLA: Thomas!
NAYLA: Thomas!
THOMAS: Nak beli buku misteri lagi?
THOMAS: Buying mystery book again ?
NAYLA: Semua dah habis baca.
NAYLA: I’ve finished reading all.
THOMAS: I temankan.
THOMAS: I’ll accompany you.
NAYLA: Boleh.
NAYLA: Sure.
THOMAS: Belilah buku ni, sunshine tulisan Robin Mckinley.
Tentang vampire.
THOMAS: Buy this, SUNSHINE by Robin McKinley. It’s about vampires.
NAYLA: Vampire barat tak best, Pontianak Malaysia lagi power.
NAYLA: English vampire so overrated. Malaysian Vampires are cooler.
THOMAS: (KETAWA) Ah, kecil hati saya mendengarnya.
THOMAS: (LAUGHING) ouch! That hurts!
NAYLA: Awak patut baca – “The Girl and the Ghost.” Menarik tau
hantu-hantu di Malaysia.
NAYLA: You should read “THE GIRL AND THE GHOST”. Very interesting adaptation about Malaysian ghosts.
THOMAS: I kenal seorang.
THOMAS: I know someone.
THOMAS: Ya, I beli baca untuk kenal hantu sini.
THOMAS: Okay, I will buy and read about Malaysian ghosts stories.
NAYLA: Tak payah. Pinjam saya punya. Ada di rumah. Nanti
senang-senang datang.
NAYLA: Don’t waste your money. You can borrow mine. Come to my house whenever you are free.
THOMAS: Kenapa tak hari ni?
THOMAS: How about today?
NAYLA: Oh, I ada nak jumpa kawan lepas ni.
NAYLA: Oh, sorry I’m meeting a friend.
NAYLA: Ya, kawan perempuan minta saya tunggu kat hujung jalan. I
pergi bayar dulu! Jumpa lagi!
NAYLA: Yes, with my girlfriend. She’s waiting at the end of that road. I’ll go and pay for this first. See you around!
Gadis polos itu masih kosong belum berpenghuni. Aku dapat mengesannya. Aku perlu tunggu lagi. Pasti “benda” itu akan datang bertandang. Menumpang!
I can’t feel any unsual presence in that girl..But I’m sure it will appear anytime soon !
DARA: Thomas Green! Kau masih berdamping dengan keturunan
mamu Omar. Kau masih pegang janji kau dengan mamu?
DARA: Thomas Green! You are still taking care of Mamu Omar’s family. You really kept your promised.
THOMAS: Bukan urusan kau!
THOMAS:Its none of your business!
DARA: (MENYINDIR) Aku kagum dengan kau. Betul!
DARA: (SARCASTIC) I’m impressed. Really!
THOMAS: (AMARAN KERAS) Jangan sibuk!
THOMAS: (WARNING) You are such a fink!
DARA: Sekarang sasaran kau Nayla. Selepas kau gagal dengan
moyang dia, dengan nenek dia. Well, mak Nayla meninggal muda, jadi dia tidak termasuk dalam senarai kau.
DARA: So Nayla is your next target just because you failed with her greatgrandmother as well as her grandmother minus her mom unfortunately.
THOMAS: Kau masih marah. Dah lama, Dara. Move on!
THOMAS: You are still mad I see.. Move on Dara!
DARA: (MARAH) Tak semudah itu, Thomas.
DARA: (ANGER) Not that simple Thomas.
THOMAS: Jadi, kau buat keputusan habiskan masa 200 tahun kau
dengan menggangu hidup aku?
THOMAS: You wasted 200 years of your life just to get even with me?
DARA: 222 Tahun
DARA: 222 years
THOMAS: Exactly. Move on!
THOMAS: Exactly.Move on!
DARA: Hidup aku panjang, dah bosan sangat. Menonton kebodohan
kau menjaga keturunan mamu Omar, agak menghiburkan jugak lah. (KETAWA)
DARA: Naahh…I have plenty of time watching your stupidity taking care of Mamu Omars family line, its quite interesting actually!(LAUGHING)
THOMAS: Atau kau dah obses dengan aku? Aku, Thomas Green,
pejuang American Revolutionary War. Dan, aku ada dalam catatan sejarah Tanah Melayu, aku bersama Francis Light ketika meneroka Pulau Pinang. (MENGGODA & MERAPATI DARA) Aku tampan, bermata biru, berkaki panjang, sasa, oh, aku ada 6 pax. Nak tengok?
THOMAS: Perhaps you are too obsess with me. You know, I’m the great Thomas Green. I was in the American Revolutionary War. Not only that, my name is written in the History of Malaya where both me and Francis Light explored Penang.(TEASING & GET REALLY CLOSE TO DARA) I’m handsom with blue eyes, tall, great body and 6 packs, maybe you want to see for yourself ?
DARA: Aku tak akan tergoda dengan syaitan macam kau. Sejarah kau
yang epic, setahu aku, kau pengecut. (TINGGI SUARA) Kau membiarkan aku diperkosa kawan-kawan kau.
DARA: Oh please !You think I’ll fall for a devil like you? Dream on.. You are too coward!
THOMAS: (TINGGI SUARA) Dah 200 tahun lalu Dara. Kau nak aku
putar waktu dan selamatkan kau? Tak mungkin. Kau tahu sisi buruk aku dulu. Aku membantu ayah kau Shaman Khalid…
THOMAS: (HIGH PITCH) 200 years has passed Dara. It’s impossible to turn back time and you know my bad side of story. I’ve helped your father, Shaman Khalid remember?
DARA: Diam…
DARA: Shut Up!
THOMAS: Kau tak boleh terima hakikat perbuatan ayah kau sendiri?
THOMAS: Why? Can’t accept the fact that your dad ain’t no different from me!
DARA: Setahu aku, kau akan terima padahnya. (SENGAJA NAK
BAGITAHU DIA PUN KAWAN NAYLA) Hm, Aku pergi dulu. Mesti Nayla dah tunggu aku lama.
DARA: As far as I’m concerned, you’ll get back what you deserved! (Intentionally mentioned Nayla) By the way, got to go. My friend Nayla has been waiting for me.
THOMAS: Ah, jadi kau kawan Nayla tu. Sejak bila kau jadi kawan
THOMAS: So you are the friend Nayla mentioned earlier. Since when you’re friends with her ?
DARA: Aku akan muncul bila mana kau mula muncul. Kau tunggu.
DARA: I’ll be wherever you’ll be. Just wait and see.
THOMAS: Berambus!
THOMAS: Get lost!
Celaka Thomas, pandai-pandai menyeru nama ayah aku. Dasar syaitan tak guna. Dendam lama tetap aku tuntut pembalasan. Dialah punca aku menjadi Dara seperti hari ini.
Damn it Thomas. Such a loser! Just wait for my revenge. You are the reason for what I am today.
DARA: Nayla! Nayla!
DARA: Nayla! Nayla!
NAYLA: Assalamualaikum, Dara!
NAYLA: Assalamualaikum,Dara!
DARA: (REFUSED TO ANSWER) Hmm, Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.
NAYLA: (BERBISIK) Hm, kita selalu bagi salam, tak berjawab!
NAYLA: (WHISPERING) Hmm, She never reply my salaam!
DARA: Apa dia?
DARA: Sorry did you say something?
NAYLA: Tak ada apa-apa. Tak lama lah. (TENGOK ATAS
BAWAH) Hmmm… Nak pergi mana ni? Setiap kali jumpa Dara, semakin cantik! Hari ni berkebaya kuning pula.
NAYLA: Nahhh ! Was saying, not too long….(LOOKING AT DARA FROM TOP TO TOE) Hmmm…Where are you going all dressed up in yellow kebaya. And Dara, you’re getting more beautiful by day. I envy you.
DARA: (MENGILAI) Alamak, over pula ketawa.
DARA: (LAUGHING SCARILY) Opppsie! I’ll take that as a compliment!
NAYLA: Ee, seram pulak. Itu bukan ketawa, mengilai namanya. Suka
nampak kena puji.
NAYLA: That was really scary…duhhh
DARA: Jom, kita makan.
DARA: Let’s go and get something to eat!
NAYLA: Hm, kau tahu kan bajet aku ketat. Kita baru beli novel, wak.
NAYLA: Err I’m actually on a very tight budget. And also I just bought a novel.
DARA: Jangan risau. Aku faham. Aku yang belanja, okay.
DARA: No worries. It’s on me!
NAYLA: (GEMBIRA) Betul ni? Nak makan mahal lah.
NAYLA: (HAPPY) Really ? Yayyyy I want to eat something expensive!
DARA: Kau pilih nak makan kat mana. Paling mahal.
DARA: Your wish is my command.
Menyengatnya bau. Takkan Nayla bela anjing di rumah? Uish, aku pantang bau, bau-bauan ini.
That stinks! Don’t tell me Nayla owns a dog. Yuck! I hate that smell.
THOMAS: Good evening!
THOMAS: Good evening!
DO YOON: Kau cari siapa?
DO YOON: Looking for someone?
THOMAS: Kau siapa?
THOMAS: And you are?
DO YOON: Aku tinggal di sini.
DO YOON: I lived here.
NAYLA: Thomas, lama sampai? Do Yoon, tak apa-apa. Ini kawan
NAYLA: Hey Thomas. It’s ok Do Yoon, he’s my friend.
NAYLA: Ya, dia datang nak pinjam novel.
NAYLA: Of coz, he’s here to borrow some novels.
THOMAS: (BANGGA) Hm, releks bro, siapa nama? Do Re Mi…
THOMAS: (PROUD) Chill, whats your name again ? Do Re Mi…
NAYLA: Do Yoon!
NAYLA: Do Yoon!
sombong kawan awak tu.
THOMAS: Hi! (LOOKING AT DO YOON ENTERING THE HOUSE). Unfriendly friend you have there.
? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??. ?? ?? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??. ???? ???? ?? ?????!
Aku ke mari bukan untuk dedahkan diri. Itu rahsia besar kami. Ha Joon dah melampau. Penyamaran kami hampir terbongkar dan pasti ia membahayakan.
I’m here not to expose ourselves. You are getting overboard Ha Joon. We’ve almost got caught and that’s really dangerous!
DO YOON: ??: ?, ?? ?? ??? ???? ???.
DO YOON: Hyung, kau tahu aku baru jumpa siapa?
DO YOON: Hyung, Guess who I bump into just now?
HA JOON: ?, ???.
HA JOON: Sebatu aku boleh bau.
HA JOON: Yeah, I know.
DO YOON: Kau masih boleh bertenang?
DO YOON: And yet yo’re still calm ?
HA JOON: Selama kita di Korea, kita bertembung Goblin, Grim
Reaper, kau tak panik pun. (SINICAL) Kau hampir skandal dengan Virgin Ghost apa.
HA JOON: Oh come on! When we were back in Korea, we’ve encounter much worst than this from Goblin to Grim Reaper, you name it! (SYNICALLY) And you! You almost, just almost got yourself into a scandalous relation with a Virgin Ghost.
DO YOON: Aish, mengarut. Kita dah biasa dengan mereka.
(SERAM) Kat sini, aku tak sedap hati.
DO YOON: That’s not even close! You see, we were used to those devils there but here, Its way different. (SCARY) I just don’t feel good about it.
HA JOON: Kau banyak fikir sangat.
HA JOON: You think too much.
DO YOON: Aku tak faham budak Nayla tu. Dia bawa balik semua
kawan-kawan tak guna. Dia tahu tak sekeliling dia sekarang semua “benda” tak baik?
DO YOON: I don’t understand Nayla. She has weird friends around here.
HA JOON: Hm, tak lama lagi dia akan tahu.
HA JOON: She’ll know soon enough.
DO YOON: Maksud kau?
DO YOON: What do you mean?
Akhir-akhir ini mimpi aku sangat menakutkan. Aku mula bermimpi ahli keluarga yang telah meninggal dunia. Moyang Omar rajin bertandang dalam mimpi. Fikiran aku juga sukar dikawal dan sering menerawang. Hati pun tidak tenang, gelisah dan takut. Aku harap malam ini tidurku lebih lena.
Too many weird dreams lately. I dreamt about families that are long passed on, especially Great Omar. And my mind is hard to control and always daydreaming. Uneasy feeling ,restless and scared. I hope I can sleep well tonight.
Akhir-akhir ini aku curi-curi masuk ke kamar Nayla. Aku cuba mengawal tidur Nayla yang terganggu. Aku dapat mengesan, adanya kuasa jahat mendekati Nayla.
Lately, Ha Joon always sneak into Nayla’s bedroom and starts detecting evil force approaching Nayla especially during her sleep.
HA JOON: (MENDEKATI NAYLA) Nayla! Bangun Nayla! Are you
HA JOON: (WALK CLOSE TO NAYLA) Nayla! Wake up! Are you okay?
NAYLA: Saya nampak ada “benda” kejar saya.
NAYLA: I saw something chasing after me.
HA JOON: Benda apa? Siapa?
HA JOON: Such as ? Who ?
NAYLA: Harimau!
NAYLA: A Tiger!
HA JOON: Harimau? Harimau kejar awak?
HA JOON: A Tiger ? A Tiger chasing after you ?
NAYLA: Tapi dia orang.
NAYLA: Yes, but this tiger is different. its human.
HA JOON: Orang jelmaan harimau?
HA JOON: You mean reincarnation of a Tiger?
NAYLA: (NAFAS KENCANG) Saya tak boleh ingat. Saya takut.
NAYLA: (HEAVY BREATHING) I can’t remember. I’m scared.
HA JOON: (MEMUJUK) It’s okay! Awak tak payah ingat. Semua okay. Awak tidur! Awak nak saya stay?
HA JOON: (PERSUASIVE) Its okay! Just ignore, everything will be fine. Now go back to sleep, or do you want me to accompany you?
NAYLA: A ah!
NAYLA: yes, please…
HA JOON: (LEMBUT MEMUJUK) Tidur lah! Saya tunggu.
HA JOON: (PERSUASIVELY) I’ll wait, now go back to sleep…
THOMAS MONOLOG: Aku baru menerima berita, Manisah, sudah meninggal. Meninggal sakit tua. Sepanjang hidupnya, dia menderita. Masanya kini tiba.
Just receive a sad news, Manisah had just passed away of old age. She suffered a lot all her life. Now is the time.
HA JOON: (TENSION) Kau tak diundang datang untuk apa?
HA JOON: (TENSED) Why are you here?
THOMAS: Aku ke mari bukan sebagai musuh.
THOMAS: Listen, I’m here as a friend.
HA JOON: (TEGAS) Sejak Nayla bertemu kau, hidup dia tidak lagi
tenang. Mimpi-mimpinya semakin mengerikan.
HA JOON: (FIRM) Ever since Nayla met you, her life is not the same anymore. She’s been having awful dreams lately.
THOMAS: Itu hanya petanda. Ada yang lebih besar bakal terjadi.
THOMAS: It’s just a sign. Something bigger is happening.
HA JOON: (KASAR) Apa yang dah kau lakukan kepada Nayla?
HA JOON: (COARSE) What have you done to her ??
HILANG SABAR) Bukan ke mari untuk memberitahu neneknya Manisah sudah meninggal dunia.
THOMAS: (SOFTLY) I told you. (LOSING PATIENCE)I’m not here to inform about her grandma’s passing.
HA JOON: (ANGRY) Apa yang kau dah lakukan kepada mereka?
Kenapa Nayla sering bermimpi ngeri dan sehari-hari dia hilang tumpuan?
HA JOON: (ANGRY) What have you done to them? Why Nayla often receive weird dreams and losing her focus everyday ?
THOMAS: (TERCABAR) Perlu apa aku ceritakan kepada kau? Siapa
THOMAS: (FEEL CHALLENGED) Do I need to explain all this to you? Who the hell you think you are ?
HA JOON: Aku penjaga dia yang akan pastikan syaitan seperti kau
tak akan dekat dengannya.
HA JOON: I’m her Guardian and I’ll make sure the devil like you will regret every inch whenever you are near her.
THOMAS: (BERTENANG) Okay! Tenang! Nayla perlu tahu
neneknya sudah meninggal dan apa hakikat bakal terjadi kepada dirinya.
THOMAS: (CALM) Okay! Relax ! Nayla just need to know that her grandma had died and the fact that something is going to happen to her. That’s all.
HA JOON: Untuk apa? Kau akan merumitkan lagi keadaan.
HA JOON: What for? You’re just making things more difficult for her.
THOMAS: Dia perlu tahu. Nayla perlu bersedia.
THOMAS: She has to know and she has to be ready.
HA JOON: (TEGAS) Biar aku sahaja berdepan dengan apa juga bakal
mendatang. Aku akan lindungi Nayla walau apa pun terjadi.
HA JOON: (STERN) Let me face it! I’ll protect her no matter what.
THOMAS: Tak semudah itu. Kau belum tahu kau berdepan dengan
apa. Benda apa yang miliknya siapa. Kau terlalu mentah dengan budaya di sini.
THOMAS: Its not as easy as you think. You don’t even know what you’ll be facing. You’re such a baby!
DO YOON: (MENCELAH) Apa dah terjadi?
DO YOON: (JUMPED IN) What’s going on ?
THOMAS: Tenang, anjing! Aku pergi dulu.
THOMAS : Chill, doggy baby! I’m just about to leave.
DO YOON: Kau nak aku gigit dia.
DO YOON: Do you want me to bite him off!
HA JOON: Biar dia pergi. Pastikan kau jangan datang ke mari lagi.
HA JOON: Let him go. Just don’t come here anymore Thomas.
THOMAS: Kita akan jumpa lagi. Aku pesti itu. (MENGHILANG)
THOMAS: Will meet again, that’s for sure! (DISSAPEAR)
DO YOON: Hyun, dia nak apa?
DO YOON: Hyun, what does he wants ?
HA JOON: ?? :??? ?????. ??? ???? ???????.?? ???????
HA JOON: Nanti, aku ceritakan semua. Kita perlu panggil yang
lain-lain datang. Aku ke bilik, mandi dulu.
HA JOON: I’ll explain later. Gather the rest. I’m taking a quick shower.
DO YOON: ?? : ??? ?? ??? ???.
DO YOON: Biar aku mengawal di luar.
DO YOON: I’ll guard here.
HA JOON: ?? : ??? ??.
HA JOON: Terima kasih, sahabat.
HA JOON: Thanks buddy.
Aku perlu segarkan diri, agar segera kembali menemani Nayla. Bunyi apa tu? Nak mandi pun tak senang.
I need to freshen up so that I can be with Nayla. What’s that noise? Gosh! Can I just have a proper quiet shower for god sake!
HA JOON: Siapa?
HA JOON: Who’s there?
NAYLA: (LEMBUT) Ha Joon, aku takut sendirian.
NAYLA: (SOFTLY) Ha Joon, Im scared being alone.
HA JOON: Bila kamu naik ke bilik ni?
HA JOON: When did you came up?
NAYLA: Do Yoon kata okay. (SUARA MENGGODA) Awak
NAYLA: Do yoon says ok. ( IN A SEXY VOICE) Are you mad?
HA JOON: Kenapa pula nak marah.
HA JOON: Why should I ?
NAYLA: Saya nak tidur sini boleh?
NAYLA: Can I sleep here ?
HA JOON: Saya sediakan bilik sebelah.
HA JOON: I’ll prepare a room for you.
NAYLA: (MANJA) Takut, Saya nak tidur sini dengan awak.
NAYLA: (CHILDISHLY) I’m scared, I want to sleep with you.
HA JOON: Jangan dekat.
HA JOON: Stay away.
NAYLA; (SEXIER) Do you like me?
HA JOON: (SCREAM) Siapa kau?
HA JOON: (SCREAM) Who the bloody are you?
NAYLA: Kenapa dengan you ni Ha Joon. Aku Nayla.
NAYLA: What’s wrong with you Ha Joon.It’s me Nayla.
HA JOON: Hey, binatang. Kau jangan dekat-dekat dengan Nayla.
HA JOON: Bloody bastard! Stay away from Nayla.
HA JOON: Aku akan menang. Sejarah membuktikan kebodohan
harimau. The Fox Borrows the Tiger Terror.
HA JOON: I’ll win. You are born stupid! The Fox Borrows The Tiger Terror.
NAYLA: (MARAH) Aku tak sebodoh itu.
NAYLA: (ANGRY) I’m not that stupid!
Aku membuka mata, senang sekali melihat Ha Joon menjaga aku. Do Joon pula semalaman di depan pintu rumah. Entah mengapa, mata aku semakin berat. Aku ingin berehat sedikit lagi.
As I open my eyes, I am relieved to see Ha Joon by my side. Do Joon was guarding the house the whole night. But, my eyes are too heavy. I just want to sleep a bit more…
Tidurlah! Semoga esok, kau lebih sihat. Aku akan depani apa sahaja mendatang demi kau. Kita harungi bersama.
Just sleep my dear, You’ll be fine by tomorrow. I’ll shall face everything just for you. We will go through this together..
DARA: Bagaimana keadaan Nayla?
DARA: How’s Nayla?
HA JOON: Dia baru tidur. Kita berbual di luar.
HA JOON: She just fell asleep. Let’s talk outside.
DARA: Apa yang dah terjadi?
DARA: What’s going on?
HA JOON: Nenek Nayla, Manisah, sudah meninggal dunia.
HA JOON: Nayla’s grandma,Manisah had passed away.
DARA: Aku tahu. Sebab itu aku di sini.
DARA: I know. That’s why I’m here.
HA JOON: Lelaki kulit putih itu juga ke sini tadi.
HA JOON: That white guy was here just now.
DARA: Tahu! Apa yang ditakuti semakin menghampiri.
DARA: Yeah! It’s nearing.
HA JOON: Apa pun yang kamu semua sedang melawan, dia sudah
ada di sini.
HA JOON: Whatever that you are fighting with, is here.
DARA: (TERKEJUT) Benda tu dah sampai? Bila?
DARA: (SHOCKED) What? It’s here already? When did it happened?
HA JOON: Kau takut?
HA JOON: Are you scared?
DARA: Kau tak kan faham.Tak semudah itu.
DARA: I’ts not as simple as you think. You won’t get it.
HA JOON: Cuba kau fahamkan aku dulu. Aku akan lindungi Nayla
dari bencana apa sekali pun.
HA JOON: Try me. I’ll protect Nayla from anything.
DARA: Lebih 200 tahun lalu, moyang Nayla, Mamu Omar
mendapatkan bantuan jin untuk melindungi keturunannya. Dahulu terdapat persaingan sengit untuk mencari tempat tinggal dan makanan. Bantuan ghaib itu telah memakan diri.
DARA: More than 200 years ago,Nayla’s great grandfather Mamu Omar got helped from a supernatural spirit to protect his family. That was Nayla’s ancestors fought in a fierce battle in search for food & shelter with the help of supernatural spirits to protect the family. Now, Nayla inherits that evil supernatural spirits from her ancestors.
HA JOON: Apa kaitannya dengan kauorang?
HA JOON: What does that have to do with you & Thomas?
DARA: Shaman tu ayah aku. Thomas menjadi sekutu ayah aku,
melakukan sihir terkuat didaerah ini.
DARA: The shaman was my dad. Thomas helped my dad became the most powerful Shaman in the village..
HA JOON: Apa yang berlaku?
HA JOON: What actually happen back then?
DARA: Sehinggalah kebodohan Thomas sendiri. Membiarkan kawan-
kawannya merogol aku sehingga mengandung.
DARA: And because of Thomas stupidity, his friends raped me till I got myself pregnant.
HA JOON: Sudah aku agak lelaki itu bodoh.
HA JOON: Bloody idiot!
DARA: Ayah aku sangat marahkan dia. Thomas nyaris terbunuh
tetapi diselamatkan oleh moyang Nayla.
DARA: My father was so mad at him and Thomas almost got himself killed but was saved by Nayla’s great grandfather,Mamu Omar.
HA JOON: Dan, Shaman menyumpah keturunan Omar, dan Thomas
bersumpah akan selamatkan keturunan Omar.
HA JOON:So the Shaman cursed Great Omar’s family, and Thomas swear to help & protect Great Omar’s family.
DARA: Selepas Manisah, penerima saka seterusnya adalah Nayla.
Manisah menanggung derita menjalani hidup bersama saka tersebut dan dia tidak mahu Nayla mengalami nasib sama. Dia cuba membuangnya tetapi gagal kerana kuasa jin milik ayah aku tu sangat kuat sebab darah Thomas.
DARA: After Manisah , the next inline that inherits the evil supernatural spirit shall be Nayla. But Manisah does not want Nayla to have the same fate as her. So Manisah tried to get rid of the spirit but to no avail. That evil spirit is too strong because of Thomas blood.
HA JOON: (MARAH) Celaka! Aku dah agak, semua berpunca dari
HA JOON: (ANGRY) His the main culprit. Thomas, You bloody bastard!
Aku perlu berhati-hati dengan saka peninggalan shaman Khalid kerana kekuatan jin miliknya telah menyatu dengan darah vampire susur galur asli dari Britain.
I have to be extra careful with that evil spirit. It’s a hybrid between a native supernatural power and a British vampire.
DO YOON: Hyung, ustaz Rasheed dah sampai.
DO YOON: Hyung, Uztaz Rasheed is here.
HA JOON: Hm, semua budak-budak dah ada? Mereka perlu dengar
HA JOON: Hmm, are all our followers here? They must listen to this.
DO YOON: Semua ada.
DO YOON: Yes, everyone is here.
HA JOON: Okay.
HA JOON: Good.
DO YOON: Ustaz, Ha Joon dah sampai.
DO YOON: Uztaz, this is Ha Joon.
USTAZ RASHEED: Apa khabar?
UZTAZ RASHEED: How are you?
HA JOON: Silakan duduk.
HA JOON: Please have a seat.
USTAZ RASHEED: Saya dengar awak nak tahu lebih jelas tentang
UZTAZ RASHEED: I heard you want to know more about the native supernatural spirit.
HA JOON: Betul. Saya perlu tahu sejelas-jelasnya.
HA JOON: Yes,correct. I need to know every single details.
USTAZ RASHEED: Saka diwarisi turun temurun. Saka keturunan
paling kuat dan sukar nak dibuang, adalah saka harimau putih. Datang dia dalam banyak rupa.
UZTAZ RASHEED: This spirit is inherited by generations. The most powerful spirit resembles the shape of a white tiger. And it can camouflaged into almost everything.
HA JOON: Bagaimana ritual Melayu membuangnya?
HA JOON: I see. How does one get rid of it?
USTAZ RASHEED: Senjata kami, bacaan ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang
ditujukan kepada jin tersebut. Semua anasir luar pun panas dengan bacaan itu.
USTAZ RASHEED: A specific Quranic verses is our only weapon to fight with the evil spirit. The spirits will get burnt once we recite the verses.
DO YOON: (BAHASA KOREA) Kita minta saja dia yang uruskan
DO YOON: (ENGLISH) Let’s get the Ustaz to settle this for Nayla.
HA JOON: Tak boleh.
DO YOON: Tapi dia yang lebih tahu kerana ini jin mereka.
DO YOON: But he knows better about this then any of us.
HA JOON: Kau tak dengar ke. Semua anasir luar boleh panas dengan
ritual mereka. Thomas dan Dara akan lari dulu. Entah-entah kau dan aku pun sama.
HA JOON: Didn’t you hear what he said? The spirits will get burnt once he recite the verses. That means both Thomas & Dara will run away first, and most likely both of us too.
USTAZ RASHEED: Ada masalah ke?
USTAZ RASHEED: Is there a problem ?
HA JOON: Ah, tak ada apa-apa. Dia ni kurang faham. Jadi saya dah
terangkan lebih jelas.
HA JOON: Ah, its nothing. He’s just not quite understand so I explain to him.
USTAZ RASHEED: Oh… Kalau perlukan maklumat lanjut lagi, panggil saja saya.
USTAZ RASHEED: Oh.. if you need anymore information ,please do call me.
Jelas kini, aku bukan lagi orang yang sama. Tubuh aku tewas, ditawan sang penumpang.
I’ve failed. It already taken over my body. I’m not me anymore.
HA JOON: Nayla, awak faham apa saya cakap tadi?
HA JOON: Nayla, do you understand what I’m saying?
NAYLA: Jadi saya dibuang keluarga kerana hal ini? Tok tak pernah
saya kenal. Selepas ibu bapa meninggal pun, dia tak pernah jumpa saya.
NAYLA: So they threw me out just because of this? A grandma that I’ve never met and parents that I’ve not known.
HA JOON: (MEMUJUK) Dia bukan tak sayangkan awak. Nenek
awak Manisah, berperang dengan peneman dia. Puas dia cuba membuangnya, agar saka itu tidak akan turun kepada awak. Tetapi dia gagal.
HA JOON: (PERSUADING)Your grandma loves you a lot Nayla. She has been battling the evil spirit in her so that you won’t be the next victim. But she failed. She failed to get rid of it.
NAYLA: (SEDIH) Hidup saya selama ini gagal. Sebab itu ke? Saya
tak dapat kerja tetap. Saya tinggal di ruang pembantu rumah untuk tampung kehidupan. Saya tak punya siapa-siapa.
NAYLA: (SAD)My life is already a failure. Is it because of this, I’m jobless. I lived in the maids room just because I need money to support myself. I don’t have anyone in my life..
HA JOON: Nayla, jangan cakap macam tu. Awak ada saya. Saya
akan jaga awak walau apa pun terjadi.
HA JOON: Nayla, don’t say that. You have me. I will take care of you no matter what.
NAYLA: Saya tak mahu awak bahayakan diri kerana saya.
NAYLA: I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.
HA JOON: Saya akan lawan bermati-matian. Saya akan pastikan
awak bebas. Saya janji.
HA JOON: I will fight for you till the end. And ensure you’ll be free from this evil spirit. This I promise you.
Aku membuka pintu melihat Dara sedang tersenyum sumbing. Sepertinya menyindir.
I opened the door. Dara synically smilling at me..
THOMAS: Kau nak apa?
THOMAS: What do you want?
DARA: Biar aku masuk dulu.
DARA: Let me in.
DARA: Cantik rumah. Bersih.
DARA: Nice and clean.
THOMAS: Cepat, apa mahu kau?
THOMAS: Hurry, just tell me what you want.
DARA: Aku cuma mahu ziarah kau.
DARA: I missed you. So I thought I should visit you.
THOMAS: You’re crazy !
DARA: (MENGILAI) Tak boleh bergurau sikit. Jangan mimpi aku
nak datang tengok-tengok kau sahaja.
DARA: (EVIL LAUGH) You think I care about you. Dream on!
THOMAS: Kau nak apa sebenarnya?
THOMAS: What do you want huh ?
DARA: Aku nak beri amaran kepada kau.
DARA: I’m here to warn you.
THOMAS: Kau bukan Dara.
THOMAS: Damn! You are not Dara.
DARA: (TEGAS) Aku siapa? Aku siapa?
DARA: (STERN) Who ? Who am I ?
THOMAS: Keluar!
THOMAS: Get out!
DARA: (LAUGH LOUDER) Hahahahaha..
THOMAS: Jangan datang lagi.
THOMAS: Don’t ever come back.
Walaupun kami musuh, perjumpaan gila ini perlu. Walau dalam keterpaksaan, hal ini perlu diselesaikan. Walaupun muka Ha Joon kelat, dia perlu faham, pertemuan di antara aku dengan Thomas dan Dara.
Insane! No matter what, we must meet to settle this matter. The meeting between Thomas, Dara & me.
THOMAS: So, kau fox, apa nama? Gumiho what?
THOMAS: So, you are a fox ? what’s your name ? Gumiho ??
HA JOON: (BENGANG) So, You bloody hell blood sucker. Vampire
bodoh punca masalah ni.
HA JOON: (ANGRY) Bloody Hell! This is all because of you blood sucking vampire.
THOMAS: (SINICAL) This blood sucker, we kebal dengan fox.
Woof, Woof!
THOMAS: (SYNICAL) Listen little foxy, this bloody sucking vampire is immuned to your tribe.. Auuuuuuuuuuu!
HA JOON: (UGUT) Oh, kau belum tahu apa jadi kalau kau kena
gigitan aku.
HA JOON: (THREATENING) oh, you wouldn’t want to know if you got bitten by me.
THOMAS: (SOMBONG) Wolf pun gagal bunuh aku, apatah lagi
musang lembik macam kau.
THOMAS: (PROUD) Even a wolfy can’t kill me, and you think little foxy like you can ??
HA JOON: Don’t try me.
DO YOON: Kau nak aku gonggong dia? Aku boleh bunuh dia
DO YOON: On your Q Ha Joon. I can kill him at any minute.
DARA: Hoiii! (Dua toleh tengok Malaysia vampire aka pontianak)
DARA: Hoiii! (Both turned to the native vampire)
HA JOON: (SINICAL) What with the paku kat leher kau
HA JOON: (SYNICAL) What’s with the nail on the back of your neck ?
THOMAS: Azimat?
THOMAS: A charm?
DARA: Kau jangan sampai aku tunjuk muka jembalang aku.
DARA: Don’t make me change to my trueself.
DO YOON: (MENYAMPUK) Kau nak aku bunuh yang ini jugak?
DO YOON: (INTERCEPT) You want me to kill this one too.
HA JOON: Sabar Do Yoon.
HA JOON: Hold on Do Yoon.
DARA: (UGUT HA JOON) Nak mati?
DARA: (THREATEN HA JOON) You’re a dead meat!
HA JOON: Guys, kita perlu ada plan. Benda tu dah datang jumpa aku
beri amaran.
HA JOON: Guys listen, we need a plan. That thing came and warned me.
THOMAS: Benda tu datang jumpa aku jugak.
THOMAS: Yeah, it came to me too
DARA: Pandang aku kenapa?
DARA: Why do you look at me like that ?
THOMAS: Datang dalam bentuk rupa Pontianak mengerikan.
THOMAS: Because it came in an awful looking vampire
DARA: Hey…
DARA: Hey…
HA JOON: (BANGGA) Dia datang jumpa aku berupa Nayla.
HA JOON: (PROUD) It came at me in Nayla’s look alike.
THOMAS: HolyShit!
SAKA (NAYLA) MONOLOG: Aku hidup beribu tahun. Aku diikat dengan darah makhluk mistik, untuk aku jadi seperti hari ini. Tiada ada makhluk lain berjaya mengalahkan aku.
I lived for thousand years. I am bind with a drop of blood from a mystical creature to be what I am today. No other power can outkast me.
NAYLA: Aku dibesarkan shaman Khalid, diserahkan kepada Omar dan keturunannya. Aku diperintahkan kekal mendamping pewaris saka. (MERAPATI THOMAS) Aku diperintahkan lebih kebal daripada syaitan abadi berasal dari barat.
NAYLA:I was raised by Shaman Khalid, and inherited by Great Omar and his generations. I pledged to remain as the spiritual companion forever.(CLOSER TO THOMAS)And I was ordered to be more powerful than any devils from the western.
THOMAS: Kau masih kenal aku?
THOMAS: You still remember me?
NAYLA: Aku tak akan lupakan pembunuh satu-satunya keturunan
NAYLA: Of course, how could I forget the one and only killer of the Shaman descendant.
HA JOON: Kau tak akan berjaya miliki rumah ini.
HA JOON: You won’t get this house for sure.
NAYLA: Hey! Aku akan jaga kawasan rumah ini lebih baik dari kau
Fox. Tuan aku lebih percayakan aku.
NAYLA: Hey! I am much better off taking care of this house than any of you especially you Foxy. My Master trust me more than anyone else.
HA JOON: Dara! Dara! Thomas, apa jadi dengan Dara.
HA JOON: Dara! Dara! Thomas what happened to her ?
THOMAS: Dia tak bergerak. (SERGAH) Dara!
THOMAS: She’s not moving.(SHOUT) Dara!
NAYLA: Aku seru, bersekutu dengan zuriat shaman Khalid.
NAYLA: I call upon you the descendant of Shaman Khalid to join forces with me.
DARA: (MENYERTAI NAYLA) Kami adalah satu!
NAYLA/DARA: (Ketawa)
HA JOON: Celaka!
HA JOON:Bastard!